
Alltype Diesel Services is a Sunshine Coast based company who specialise in servicing/repairing/modifying trucks and trailers.


Owner Trish did not have the cashflow to purchase parts for her business and so the ongoing viability of her business was in jeopardy.


Trish did her research before contacting ABL Corp for advice on the best solution. She was impressed by the transparency of ABL and so moved forward with invoice financing to provide better cashflow for her business.


“The running of our business day-to-day is so much easier now. Before we would worry and stress about when our clients would pay us – not to mention a large amount of time spent chasing them to pay. We now have funding on invoices as we do the jobs, and this has alleviated our cash flow problems. Our business is now running on good cashflow, and we continue to grow because of this.” –Trish